Dear Comrades,

The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) sends its deepest condolences to the Comrades of PCE (ml) for the loss of Comrade Raul Marco.

Comrade Raul joined the communist movement in his youth, fought against Khrushchevite revisionism in 1960s, founded the Communist Party of Spain (ml) together with his other comrades in 1964, fought against Franco fascist regime  and established the Revolutionary Anti-fascist and Democratic Front in early 1970s,  played a major role in the establishment of the International Conference of Marxist Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), published many theoretical work to address many questions in the international communist movement.

Comrade Raul Marco dedicated his entire life to the cause of the working class and the people, fighting for revolution and socialism in Spain. He upheld the banner of proletarian internationalism and continued to work tirelessly in developing and strengthening the work of ICMLPO.

While we are deeply saddened by and mourn the death of Comrade Raul, his valuable work, teachings, and fighting for the emancipation of the working class are inspiring us. We uphold his banner of struggle!

Glory to the shining memory of Comrade Raul !

The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)

October 17, 2020


