statement of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) on the ceasefire in
Statement of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
May 1st, the International Working Class Day!
Statement of the party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
The parties and organizations signing below
Hail may 1.the international working class day!
Some important lessons from the recent popular protets in Iran
Resolution on solidarity and support for the struggle of Iranian workers
Solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for national liberation
Yemens humanitarian catastrophe and media censorship
Joint statement on Afghanistan
The Strategic Defeat of the Western Imperialism in Afghanistan
Statement Of Workers Organisations Of West and South Asia
Statement of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
the Assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
Imperialism:Enemy of peoples and states!
Statement on the Recent develoments in the Middle East Region
Iran,Gasoline on the Flames of peopeles Anger!
Declaration:Hands Off Iran 2019-07-10
Statement on the worker activist Esmaeil Bakhshi
We Will Neither Forgive Nor Forget!
Long live the raging movement of the people of Iran
The October Revolution and the Victory of Leninism
Reza Shahabi is on Hunger Strike
The life of Hama Hammami hasbeen put in danger
Condemn the Regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran for its Attempts to Imprison Reza Shahabi again !
The English Facebook page of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) has interviewed the comrade in charge of the Office of Foreign Relations of the Party, Comrade Jaafar Paknia, on the situation in Syria
On the Barbaric Terrorist Actions in France
May 2015 .For socialism and international solidarity.
Air strike Yeman violation of the international laws and act of aggression
Statement on the 20 th Anniversary of the International Conference of M-L Parties and Organizations
The life of worker- activist Shahrokh Zamani is in Danger
Worker- aktivist Afshin Osanlo fell victim to the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Long live International Solidarity with the Struggle of the people of Turkey
The Party of Labour of Iran( Toufan)Boycotts The Sham Presidential Elections in Iran
On the Death of Comandante Hugo Chavez IKMLPO
Statement of the PCMLV om det death of kommandante Chavez
Condemn the Despicable Assassination of Chokri Belaid in Tunisia!
Stop the Imperialist-Zionist Military Threats against Iran
Hail the glorious struggles of the iranian working class
The assassination of Gaddafi T a new crime of imperialism
Statement on
the elections of the Constituent Assembly(Tunis)